13 August 2008

The first 5 days

I have been back at school for 5 days now; here are some random thoughts from the 1st 5 days back in SC

- It is not as hot as last year... thank goodness . Last year I came to campus for freshman orientation, and it was about 100 degrees. This year has been much better; the weather has actually been quite pleasant.

- River rafting hurts- I wanted to get up this morning and get back on my riding schedule... but I was too sore. I had to just push the snooze and go back to bed for a few more minutes. I got up this morning and my back was sore all the way down; it was not the best feeling in the world. I did really enjoy rafting, but I will be taking some advill before I go

- I am going to have to work hard to keep my weight off this semester- I have been able to lose my "freshman 15" over the last month.. and I would like to keep it off (and lose a little more...). I am going to have to work hard to do so because of the ease and abundance of food. I am trying to eat better, eat less at meals, and drink LOTS of water.

- I keep up with Elevation church (their pastor went to NGU a few years ago, and his brother in law is the BSU director). They started a series a few weeks ago called "Awakening". Over the last 2 weeks, they have baptized 1044 people!!! That is so amazing. I am so impressed with Elevation church and the love they have for their community and the lost. God is doing an amazing work with people who are not afraid to step out of church comfort zones and traditions and really reach out to a lost world with the love of Jesus Christ.

- I picked up my books today... there is a lot to read; especially in Greek (I think there are 4 books...). I am excited about the semester, it is going to be difficult, but I think it is going to be enjoyable.

- I am really excited about BSU music. It is going to be different, but great. I want to get as many people involved as possible. I want people that are passionate about leading worship, and I want to use as many as I can. There is so much talent on the campus and it would be a shame not to use as much as possible.

- I am ready for bed- I am remembering the joys of sleeping. I can remember times last year when I just wanted to do to bed, but could not because of work and paper. College makes you really appreciate those times when you can sleep in. I can't wait for a Saturday morning to come around so I can sleep in (but not this Saturday, it is freshman orientation..)

ok, time for bed....

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