30 September 2009

B90X starts tomorrow!

It is here indeed. B90x starts tomorrow! By the end of the week, we will be done with Genesis.

It is not too late to do it with us. here is a pic of the readings every day. You can google B90x if this is not big enough to read.

I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the next 90 days. I will be journaling every day, and will share some thoughts during the week on here.

Let me know if anyone else is doing it, and we can keep each other accountable.

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

Hello Hurricane!

I am so excited about Switchfoot's newest cd. I love all their stuff, but this one may take the top spot. I love the raw nature and the passion they put in their music. Check out this promo for their new cd and see for yourself!

So excited!

Posted via web from jameseaton's posterous

I cannot wait for Hello Hurricane

I am so excited about Switchfoot's newest cd. I love all their stuff, but this one may take the top spot. I love the raw nature and the passion they put in their music. Check out this promo for their new cd and see for yourself!

28 September 2009

Technology overload. . .

I love posterous. It is such a great site because it will update all my sites for me.

Problem comes when I am trying to send sermon notes to evernote and I end up sending them to posterous. . . Which sends it all over the interwebs. Nothng like a little late night retrieving process :). Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

Play skillfully

Psalm 33:3
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Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

25 September 2009


In light of what the Elevation staff are almost done doing, I have decided to take on the BX90 for myself. Here is the deal, you have 90 days to read the whole bible. It pretty much comes out to about 16-20 chapters a day. I have all the stuff I need. Bible, notebook, reading plan, and my two roomates who are stepping up and doing it with me. I am very aware that it is not going to be easy, in fact I know it will be hard and at times inconvenient, but the point of this is to rely on God and beg Him to speak to and though me.
So, we start October 1st and won't look back till the new year is upon us. I am pumped to see what God is going to do. I will try to keep you updated, but my blog time may be cut quite a bit :).
Anyone want to join us????? Anyone out there man (or woman) engough to do this with us? If you are let me know and I will get you a copy of the text for each day.
This may be the most intense 90 days of my life. And that is just what I am praying for! Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

22 September 2009

DId you know 4.0

I think these videos are just amazing. The rate technology is increasing is unbelievable. 

I believe that very soon, because of the vast content and interaction, specific sites or some type of program will be available that will filter all your content the way that you want it (much like the columns on Tweetdeck, or Google Wave). Because of these applications and the way technology is moving, I think the Church is going to be able to take specific content to those different groups and be able to interact in a closer way than ever before. I think the message will be specific and targeted to different groups of people. 

Web 2.0 is all about connecting and building relationships. 

I think the possibilities are endless when it comes to the things we (as the church) can do to reach out to the WORLD online. The question that comes to my mind when thinking about all of this is...    Are you going to ride the wave? Or are you getting crushed by it? 

It is not slowing down, so you may want to jump on board while you still can. We have the best message in the entire world, so why are we not doing everything we can to share that with as many people as possible? 

- Just some thought from today. 

What do you think?? 
Where do you think technology is headed, and what can we do as the church to get ready for it?? 

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

20 September 2009

Admitting there is a problem

This is a quote from a book I am reading called "Roaring Lambs"

 "If the lambs will ever roar- if Christian faith is ever to gain acceptance in our culture- Churches ad Christian Colleges must do a better job of addressing the paucity of a Christian presence in American public life. The best way to start is to admit there is a problem." - Bob Briner

-If we are ever going to make an impact in the culture, we are going to have to admit that there is a problem.
 One of the problems is, that we are NOT DOING ANYTHING.

  It is cute if the Churched world loves you and thinks you are cute, but it means nothing to the world if you are not engaged in their world.

 Is your influence limited to your local church?? Or, are you living for Christ in everyday life??

 Just something to think about on this rainy afternoon.



Not too bad of a read for a school book :).

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

15 September 2009

More than one week sober. . .

It is true. I am actually doing it. I have not had sugar or bread in over a week. I feel great, and I really do not miss it that much. (Except I really want Italian food. . .). Other than that, I am good. I eat a lot of eggs and meat. I found some sugar free candy to take off the edge as well :).

 So. I am doing good. I have not checked to see how much weight I have lost this week, I may wait till fall break and then it will just be a big surprise
How are my other online peeps doing?? Anybody still going strong?? Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

11 September 2009

Magazine Cover design

here is the magazine cover I turned in today for Graphic 1.

Whatcha think?? (the color did not come out quite the same when I copied it in here, but you get the general idea :).

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

10 September 2009

Day 3 update

Well, day three is here.

 I am feeling pretty good actually. I have not had any breakdowns and given into my desire to eat bread/sugar yet.

 I have had a bunch of eggs, and meat, and....salad, and eggs. I may be sick of eggs when this is done!

 My body feels great right now; I feel like I can breathe so much easier, and I feel like my blood is just pumping so much easier. This may turn into a long-term thing...who knows :)

 Hope all my peeps doing this with me are doing good. I would love to hear from you if you are changing your lifestyle with me.

 Here's to living life!


Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

07 September 2009

4 week challenge

I have been unhappy with my weight for a while (the last year and a half...). I do not think I obese or whatever, but I would like to lose some weight: actually, I would like to lose about 25-30 pounds. I think that for my height and bone structure weighing between 150-160 is just right.


 Starting tomorrow morning, no more sugar for the next month. I feel like if I am going to do it, then I should just do it right and go for it. Kami is doing it as well (she did it this summer and now looks even more beautiful :) ). So, now we are going to rock the healthy lifestyle together.

 I will keep you updated on how it is going; should be fun.. maybe.
I love bread so much, it is going to be hard to part with it, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives immensely.



 Who's with me??? Do I have any online friends who will commit to doing a no-sugar eating plan for 4 weeks??
  - If you want more info on what we are doing you can email or @reply me and I will fill you in.

Here's to healthy eating and living!

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

01 September 2009

Following Directions

I think everyone is covered between steps 1 and 2...

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

The Twittering Cat...seriously.


I enjoy Twitter (a lot), but I am not about to follow the "twittering cat"....

Maybe I am just jealous that a cat has a few thousand more followers than me...

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous