22 June 2008

Mission Tour Recap

It was a great Mission Tour this year.... as always. I will try to give everyone a synopsis of the week (hopefully it will be brief..... this could be difficult)

- I was in a completely different role this year. I was not as busy on the trip, but the week before was a little crazy. I was awake most night thinking and worrying about what we were going to forget. (Although I think we did a good job of not forgetting things). I love being an intern; it is a pretty nice setup. I get to go on a trip with some amazing youth and watch them do amazing things; that is hard to beat.

- I was so impressed with the 1st timers.... It is always interesting to see how new/and or/ younger people react to Mission Tour. Some freak out, (I can think of a few off the top of my head), Others come out of their Turtle shell and never go back in. It never fails. There are always a few people that come out of their shell and everyone is shocked that they even have a voice... This year I felt like there were a huge number of people  that came out of their shell. I saw so much growth in students last week.

- God really opened my eyes: While I was taking pictures at one of the Backyard Bible Clubs, I had a moment when the light bulb came on, and everything made sense, I had always been too involved in the past to see it, but this year it was clear. It really did not matter what songs we sang, what crafts the kids made, or the games we played with them; it was about a relationship. It is not about shoving church down people's throat; it is about loving people and actually caring about who they are as a person. I think so many times, we as Christians think that if we are not vocally telling someone about Jesus, then we are not witnessing. But really, our life is our best witness (especially with children, who seem to see right through the fake stuff). I saw the effects of what happens when Christians love because that are in love with Jesus. The church is a mobile unit that is alive and moving. The church was alive this week. planting seeds of love and hope all around Pennsylvania. 

- I am still tired. By the end of the week I think I could have slept on a bench in the rain. Those old metal bunk-beds were amazing feeling by the end of the week.

- I have all of the Outrigger Island VBS songs stuck in my head. . . . .they are a little too catchy. 

I am not sure how many more Mission Tours I will be able to go on with ISBC, so I wanted to soak it all in while I had the chance. 
It really was an amazing week. This is something that everyone needs to experience some time during their life, because there is a good chance it will change the rest of your life.....

Now that I am home and have internet access, I will be getting back into the blog world.

stay tuned....

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