05 June 2008

A Great Commission

I did a study on the great commission this last week. I have read that section a hundred times and have heard many sermons on that topic. 

There was something that author said that really caught my attention. He said that the word "go" in that passage is not a command to go. It is not that you were sitting and now you are going. But it means "as you are going". Those few extra words and the tense of the meaning bring so much more to the table.

Jesus has called us to go, but it is not just for a season. There is not a time when we go, and a time when we stop.... There is just go. We are to actively going and sharing God's love, not just for that week on the mission trip, or those 5 days of VBS( although those are great and important things). The point is, we are always going . Our life as Christians should be filled with "go's", not just once in a while. 

Jesus has commissioned us to go, at all times, to all places, to reach all people. The best part is... God is with us through it all. Jesus says in the end of the passage that He will be with us always. It is comforting to know that no matter how many surprises, disappointments, and curve- balls life throws our way, we have a God who is with us until the end. 

Just something to think about

stay tuned...

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