01 November 2008

Come Together

I am reading and journaling through Nehemiah. It such an amazing story of what can happen when people come together for a cause.

The people of Israel had been scattered and Jerusalem had been ransacked. Nehemiah hears of this and becomes distressed. He prays to God for guidance and asks the king if he can be relieved of his cup-bearing duties to go rebuild the wall. No one believes that this is possible; the governors even ridiculed him for wanting to do such a thing. but Nehemiah had a calling and message from God to rebuild the wall.

When Nehemiah comes to the city, he does not try to rebuild the wall by himself. Actually, the opposite happens. The people of Israel rise to the occasion and start doing their part. All these people jump in and do what they can. They start repairing gates, and building new gates, towers, and walls around Jerusalem. Even with opposition against them, they do the impossible and rebuild the wall around the city.

If it was not for the people working together, the task would have not been completed; everyone had an important part to play in rebuilding the wall.

What if the body of Christ came together like that.... What if we put or differences aside and stepped up to the plate to tackle some real problems in the world. What would happen??

I believe with everything in me that the Church is the answer for a hurting world.

It will not be because we bash them over the head with bibles and tracts, or because we condemn their evil behavior and tell them to conform to our standards before they are welcome. It will be because people

Craig Groschel said this, "To reach people no one else is reaching, we need to do things no one else is doing"

Wow, that is powerful.

What if we showed the world some radical love?
What if we stepped up to rebuild the broken "walls" of society?

One body, One Church, One Savior

It only takes one to start a revolution. Nehemiah trusted God to do the impossible as he stepped out in faith. Because of his leadership, Jerusalem was rebuilt and the people were unified once again. Maybe it is time for someone to step out in faith, be bold, and not give up on their God -sized dream...

That is a real campaign for change.

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