29 October 2008

How about a political blog...

Elections are coming up in a few days (I already voted... for___(not telling....).

This is not about who I voted for, or what party I am endorsing.

There is non-stop election coverage on many channels. Candidates are giving speeches, some have even bought air time. Everyone is talking about who can "save the country".

When it comes to that though, I am certain who is going to save the country... and it is not Mcain or Obama (or Ralph Nader...)

I am not trying to bash politics, I think America has a good system


      My faith is not in American politics

I will leave you with a few lines from one of my favorite songs from Hillsong... I think it sums up my thoughts pretty well

"It is not a human right to stare, not fight, while broken nations dream. Politics should not decide if we should rise to be your hands and feet".

The church can change the world regardless of who sits on Capitol Hill.


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