16 November 2008

Sunday Night Mind Dump...

Wow.. It has been a crazy weekend (and a crazy week)

I think I got less sleep this week than I ever have in my life. I am not sure how I am still alive. It is a tribute to the amazing human body.

- Thursday was BSU. I got to play electric, which is always a blast. I just love the freedom it brings; I feel like the icing on the cake. It was an amazing service. We had a time of testimony and even opened it up to people in the audience to share. Music was amazing!!! Jason did a great job with the set list. We did "Our God Reigns" into "Yellow" by Coldplay; that is how to start a set. It was rockin.

- This weekend was good too. We did some acoustic worship for a student retreat at Camp Marietta. There were about 50 students there; we had a great time leading worship for them.

- Today was my last day at Connection. It has been a good semester. Everyone was so nice too; they all came and told me how much they appreicaited my ministry. It was a very encouraging Sunday. (and they gave me a gift card the Olive Garden... which was used this afternoon for lunch. It seemed like the perfect time to use it)

- Newspring was amazing tonight (as usual). God really spoke some truth to me tonigtht during the whole serivce. I think there were alot of women set free from the bondage of their past tonight. It was just an amazing service. I love going to NewSpring; I go expecting to hear from God every week.

- I am sooooo tired. My bed is calling my name. The blogs on change will continue in the next post...

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