12 November 2008

Change is... fun

Change is something that is needed in the church. 

But it does not have to be a struggle....

Change is a good thing. Change is refreshing. When you change your outfit, change your room decorations, change of scenery, you experience a feeling of accomplishment, joy, or maybe just a breathe of fresh air. Why should it be any different in the church?? 

When someone talk about change in the church, people get all antsy, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright angry. Maybe because in their mind change= bad. Change= worse for me, sorry I like the way things are. 

That sounds a little selfish if you ask me. God has not called us to complacency in any area of our life. What if you took your wife/ girlfriend on the same date every single time you went out. Even the best date in the world would not seem very sincere after a while. What if the rut the church is in makes it look insincere to a lost world? Same service every week, same stuff every year, same ministries, same atmosphere... that does not sound very exciting to me. 

Now, I am not trying to bash everything about the church. I believe in the church; I believe it is the means for reaching the world with God's love. That is a pretty high calling from God to every person in the body of Christ. 

Jesus brought change wherever he went. Everything he did was "different" than the way others did things (and even different than people wanted him to be... all the religious people were not very big fans...). So why are we afraid to step out in faith? (that is for the next post, just throwing it out there).

Change is good. Change can be fun, exciting, inspiring, and maybe just what the church needs. 

Every day we sit and talk about change is a day we could have spent doing it. I know lots of churches that say, "well, we would love to do that but_____(insert whatever excuse...)" 

What if we did it. Stopped talking about doing it. Stopped having committee meetings about it. And just did it. Step out in faith and trust God that He will provide a means and way to succeed. 

I think we sell God short sometimes in our lack of faith in His power to change lives. Change starts inside the people in the church. Maybe the church has not changed because the people are not will to let God transform them first.... It is hard to want to be that bold when you are not experiencing that change for yourself.

I am getting into my next post... better end this one. 

change= fun. Fun is not a bad thing. Serving God and advancing His kingdom should not be a drudgery.

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