10 October 2008

Mud Bowl 2008...

Oh.. I mean, Election 2008.

I have never seen so much mud slinging in my life. I watched the latest debate the other night and had to just stop watching a few times because it was getting so ridiculous. I felt like I was back in the 7th grade watching two people argue over who gets the last cookie in the lunch line..

I am much more interested to know what the candidates are thinking and their plans for the economy; instead, we get the hear all about how dumb the other one is, how old/ young the other one is, how this, how that.... and it just goes on and on. 

I would love for someone in this race to just be honest... but that may never happen. If they were honest, they may have to say that they have no idea how to fix the bailout crisis, or the end the war on terror. They may even have to say that they are not capable to fix this country in 4 years (or 8...). 

One man in a big white house cannot save the world. 

I am planning on voting soon (I have my absentee ballot), I have tried to keep up with the political scene, but it seems that each of the candidates have put their share of "ick" into politics. 

I am not voting for the person who will be the savior on capitol hill... there is already a savior on the throne. 

Just a few more weeks till the mud slinging ends... 


they will start campaigning for 2012. Can't wait

1 comment:

Two Culbersons said...

Well said James! I'm with you, I'm not asking for much, just a little bit of honesty would be nice. I keep telling myself that no matter who gets elected, our God is still in control.