19 October 2008


The new series at NewSpring started today. It is called, "Beautiful: A series for women and the men who pursue them."  Tonight was amazing... It was all about the fact that women are beautiful to God, no matter what culture or the magazine covers say. 

I was challenged the whole message... 

There was also a great deal of healing offered tonight. I am not a woman, but I can imagine how difficult it has to be. It was a great to hear that kind of encouragement coming from the stage. 

I can't wait to hear the rest of the series in the next few weeks. 

- They also had a "man moment" at the end of the service. They showed some guys blowing up some pumpkins with fireworks... no theological interpretation, just awesome.

more to come soon, after I get some sleep. I am about to fall asleep as I am typing this...

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