03 October 2008

Thoughts at 1 am...

OK. I was finishing up a journal entry for one of my classes where I have to keep a Daily Ministry Journal. I have been reading through Mathew and I came to Chapter 8. In these verses, Jesus touches a man with leprosy and heals him.

     This just really hit me. People with leprosy in that day were the outcast. People did not hang out with them, or even let them live in the town. And the definitely did not touch them.  But Jesus broke the mold; He did what no one else wanted to do. He touched the man and said "Be Clean". I am sure this blew the religious crowd away; they did not want to have anything to do with "unclean" people. But Jesus stood up for the ones who were sick and in need.

What would that have looked like in 2008? Who would Jesus reach out and touch if He was here? People with AIDs, drunkards, homosexuals, outcast, prostitutes. Jesus said he came to heal the sick and those in need.

Are we going to reach out to those in need? It may get a little sticky if we do. Some people may not be happy about it. A few verses later, Jesus heals two men from demons and puts them into pigs and the people get mad and want Him to leave...

         Living the life God has called us to may not be very easy, but it will always be worth it. I believe that one person could start a revolution of love for the "unlovable" people in this world. That person could be you...

- Just some thought from 1 am. Hope it makes you want to check out the life of Jesus more in depth. It has been amazing for me. If you need direction in your devotional life, read through Jesus' ministry. It just might blow you away.Tags: , ,

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