14 December 2010

taking a break

This time last week I on my way home from school. I was mentally ad physically exhausted from the semester an finals.

So, for the last week, I have been taking a break. I have been sitting, watching tv, playing in the iPad, playing guitar, and just relaxing. The added help of snow and ice gave me even more reason to sit and rest.

It is not that natural for me to rest. I tend to push myself into the ground and then burn out of whatever I am doing. That happened more than once last semester, but I am not going to let that keep happening. To stop it I just stopped trying so hard for a few days.

I hope now as I come back to working on different things over break and reading some books, that I will find a renewed sense of learning and motivation.

Taking a break is not my favorite thing to do, but I know that resting is also a crucial part of the creation process. I hope to see positive results in the next few weeks from my week off.

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

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