28 March 2009

You've got 40 Seconds

I have been using a blog tracker for about 9 months. It has been very interesting to see how much traffic comes in and out around the site.

A few days ago I added the Google Analytics tracker to my blog as well. It has a feature that my other tracker did not have...average time.

What is the average time on my site??

40 seconds.

This statistic has caused me to rethink about how I blog.

Maybe I just need to come out and say what I think, keep it short and sweet.
Maybe I need to post things more often to keep people coming back.

I am grateful for the 40 (give or take a few) seconds that you spend here; I do not want to waste any of your online time.

So, what does this mean for the ol' blog?

Well, I am not sure, but I want to make the most of your 40 seconds

1 comment:

Brian Alexander said...

The average time for my site is over a min. I think it has something to do with the length of posts I have as well as videos that I post are an average of a min long. Maybe if you posted some videos (I don't normally like stupid youtube ones. I'd much rather like meaningful ones, music video, sermon illustrations, interviews, etc) it will increase your average. Just throwing a tip out there.