24 January 2009

An unlikely source

I was watching What Not to Wear this afternoon. 

(I know that my man points just dropped down over 100 points...I am going to have to do something daring or lift weights tomorrow). 

But, There was some powerful truth spoken by the very well-dressed Clinton. 

This episode involved a lady from Las Vegas who was in charge of the recycling initiative in the city. She 
was not very stylish (that would be why she was on the show I imagine...). She was showing them some of her outfits in the 360 degree mirror when Clinton made a very great observation. 

She had a shirt on that said "Think Green". Clinton asked her why she liked the shirt, and she replied, "well, I just want to get the message out" 

Clinton looked at her and said, "Wouldn't is be more powerful if you used your mouth and your life to spread the message rather than your shirt?" 

                           As I sat 
there listening, I thought about all the "christian clothes" we have. Jesus fish, crosses, and shirts that look life this 

have become a wardrobe favorite for many Christians. 

I am not a big fan of the "christian t shirt", but I don't have a problem if you like them...  

My question is this: Are the thing we say, and the life we live showing Christ? Or, are we relying on our t-shirts to speak for us? 

God has called us to something much bigger than a fashion. We have a message, and we have a mouth to share it. We also have a life to live. How we handle our life and what we say will speak more than a t-shirt...

Are you relying on t-shirts to get your message across? Or are you being bold and actually making a difference? 

Be bold. Do hard things. 

-that would be a great t-shirt.... just kidding. 

-I will try not to make any posted related to watching fashion shows for a while :). Unless they have something worth sharing. 

1 comment:

margaretm said...

I like this insight, and the humor injected in your blog. I also like "What Not to Wear," and am not troubled that you watch it :)

Thanks for sharing!