27 January 2009


"The critics don't change the world do they? 
-Rob Bell 

Confession- I am very judgmental about all sorts of things, especially when it comes to worship, church, and religious movements. 

why?. Well, I think it is because it is something that I am so passionate about. Worship is my passion. Creativity is my passion; I feed off of it. The problem comes when I let my passion turn negative. instead of talking about what is good, I talk about what is bad. With that mindset comes judgement on others. 

One of my goals for this year (and beyond) is to consciously make an effort to judge people less, those in leadership roles and everyone else as well. 

I want to be known for what I love rather than what I hate. The majority of a critic's worlds are negative...I do not want to be that. I want to be a voice that is positive, creative, and uplifting to Christ. 

John 3:30 say, "I must decrease, He must increase." 

When God is bigger, my selfish desire to be critical is much less. It is a daily fight, but it is one  that is worth fighting. 

I do not want to be the biggest critic in town. I know people like that, and they are not very fun to be around. I think if Jesus spoke on Sunday morning, the critic would have a negative comment; he may say, "well that was just too perfect."

you get the picture. 

I want to be a vessel that God uses, and part of dying to myself daily. I want to be part of something of world-changing proportions, and I cannot do that if I am the critic who points out all the flaws. 

What do you need to decrease in your life so God can increase?? 


Anonymous said...

I'd say my Pride and Selfishness

James Eaton said...

Yeah. That is huge for me too. Pride seems to be a big one with a lot of people...