21 December 2008

Sunday Night Mind Dump

Lots on the brain. Need to get it out before sleep is an option.

-"The Spring" was rockin this morning. I love the band at church! I have really missed playing with them while I have been at school.
- I move around a lot on stage (I have been a little reserved since I have been home...), but there is still some movement. I can't tell you what I do... I really do not do it on purpose. It just comes out when I am leading worship. I have noticed that people watch me and some people have funny looks on their faces when I move around on stage. Not sure what they are thinking; not sure I care.  I just love to worship, and lead worship. The best way I know to lead worship is just to worship myself. I am going to worship regardless of what anyone else does. I hope and pray that they will be able to worship when I am playing, but their response does not determine my worship.

- I thought my lips were going to die during the cantata tonight... I have not played trombone in a few months, so 2 nights of serious playing was intense.
- Apparently I look good in a tux. I got a lot of compliments on my outfit...
- and my hair. I had at least 12 people tell me how much they liked my hair, thought it was cool, liked that I was growing it out, wondered how I make it do what is does. I guess I am headed in the right direction with my hair. I do not really know how my hair becomes what it is. I put product in it, mess it up, style it, and then it curls on the ends during the day. I think I spend more time on it than some girls... not sure if that is a good thing.

- Hoping to sleep better tonight. Did not sleep well last night at all.
- Ready for Christmas. It is only a few days away.
- Also ready for the beach after Christmas! That is always a good time to get away and relax for a little while

- I am enjoying my time off. But I am getting so pumped about next semester. Fusion is going to be off the hook (I am not sure if I am cool enough to say that). It really is going to be awesome. More to come on that at a later time

- I am loving my Macbook Pro. It is wonderful. I am going to miss my Macbook, but my sadness is gone when I look at this amazing LED screen and back-lit keyboard.

- Excited about visiting Highlands Fellowship over break.

- I need some itunes cards to dowload all the col new music I have found.

- It is cold outside. Finally feeling like Christmas... I would like at least a few warm days to ride my bike though.

- Kami is driving. She is doing great! It is so nice that she can meet me places. It has just been wonderful.

ok. time for bed (I hope).

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