12 December 2008

Break time

1st full day back at home.

-Slept this morning till almost 11... and need to do that a few more times to catch up
- ate lunch with dad at Riverfront Seafood. I had New Orleans shrimp. I enjoyed the spicy goodness

- Spent the afternoon with Kami. Very relaxing.
- Got to drive Jami's 1970's Volkswagen Beetle. I have never driven a stick before, and really want to learn. We were at the store and I mentioned that, and she said she would teach me to drive her car.  It was really fun. I think I am hooked... (this did not help my obsession with wanting a Mini Cooper...)

- We made desserts at Kami's Grandparents house. Well, Kami made dessert while I edited photos on Photoshop. She even made me some amazing coffee while I was working. Starbucks has nothing on her.
-  I have a love/hate relationship with Photoshop. I love its endless ability to create and edit things; I hate that I do not understand all of it, which makes seemingly simple things difficult. I did a lot of good stuff today by accident (but hey, the pictures turned out very nicely). I need a Photoshop coach...

- Tired. Need more sleep
- Also, really want to go for a bike ride, but it is cold and rainy. Not a good combo... I guess I can just ride the indoor trainer tomorrow.

- On a more serious note. I just found out that Bradley's cancer has spread to both his lungs...
Please be in prayer for him during this time; I believe he will start treatment Monday or Tuesday.     Pray for a miracle to happen inside his body.

Bed is calling, and I am giving in...

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