28 September 2008

Your grace is enough...

 We sang "Your grace is enough" this morning at the end of the service (someone took a video of me playing guitar and leading, then he told me that if I was going to lead every week, then he would be there... It made me feel really great). 

As I am sitting here thinking about the service and looking at what to do next time, that song is stuck in my head. It is a great song. But am I really trusting in what the song is talking about??

"your grace is enough. Your grace is enough 
Your grace is enough for me."

 That's a great line to sing, but maybe not as easy to live out. 

So many times we find ourselves saying that... but are we living it, and truly believing that God's grace is enough?

It is easy when thing are good: school is good, family is good, weather is nice, gas is cheaper, The office is on (hey.. it's good show), and ect. 

But what about when the world is not such a happy place? School is rough, your parents get a divorce, gas is $5 a gallon, your confidence is down, you are sick, and life is rough. That is when you really find out if you are relying on God's grace or not. Tough times seem to bring out the true person, and what that person has their trust in. 


Is God's grace enough for you life?? You can sing about it all day, but singing it and living it are not the same. I want to live a life held by God's grace. I am not there yet, but that is where I want to be. 

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