24 September 2008

It's all Greek to me...

I am really understanding what that phrase means... it seems that I have spent many-a-night with my Greek workbook, text book, lexicon, and notes trying to understand my homework (I have understand it before I can do it...). I feel like I am scrambling to keep my head above water. I have not drowned, but I am also not sitting on a float sipping lemonade. It seems that as soon as I understand something, we add something else.

It is not the worst thing ever... I really am enjoying the class. When I get something, it is such a good feeling. But when I am lost (like last night...) it can be a little stressful. We have our second test Friday; that is where the rubber will meet the road. Hopefully I will do better than I did on my last test...

I have practice tonight at Connection Fellowship. I will be leading worship there this semester. I am excited about this opportunity to work with new people and for God to use me and stretch me.

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