19 September 2008

Tour de Cowpen

The weather this afternoon was amazing!! I decided to go for a ride this afternoon. I had attempted to ride this route a few weeks ago... but I got lost and missed some of the roads. So today was the day to ride the part I missed.

It was very enjoyable (most of it...). The scenery is great, and there are not to many cars. There are a few really good down hill sections (I got up to almost 40 mph at one section!). The problem with big downhills... big uphills to get to those hills. There were about 4 hills that I thought were going to be the death of me. I found the right path this time... but I may have like the other one better. It was still a great ride; I think doing it again will be better because I now know the route.

I did almost freak out though... I almost hit a snake. Now, I am not a big fan of snakes; just seeing them freaks me out. I was starting to go down a hill and a snake started slithering out onto the road. I almost lost it... I just about screamed. I think my heart was beating faster at that point than the rest of the ride. I missed it.. thank goodness. It would have been gross to run over.

Kami and I are going out tonight to celebrate not being on duty this weekend. We have not really had much time just to go hang out in Greenville. I also want to get a new outfit for Sunday. This weekend will be my first Sunday at Connection Fellowship, and I want to start it off right... and I would like a new outfit.

Should be a good relaxing weekend... hopefully there will be no more snakes

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