08 September 2008

'Bout that time


I was sitting here thinking, "I have not done one of my random posts in a while..."

and since it is my blog, there is no voting or discussion on this issue. So sit back and enjoy a look into my random thoughts of the last few weeks

-Sarah Palin made a great speech the other night!! When my father first told me she had been picked as the VP nomination, I though he was joking. But I have become a fan. I thought she was smart, witty, and not nearly as negative as all those other politicians. She was just every honest, and I appreciate that in a candidate. I will be interested to see how she does in the upcoming VP debate

- I got lost Saturday on my bike. I got up early to ride, and was planning on riding about 13 mile. Somehow in-route I missed a turn and ended up on highway 101. I had to ride about 8 more miles than expected... which was not bad. It ended up being a great ride and I would want to try that route again soon. I was just glad that I was wearing my new biking shorts (yes, I got some of the spandex shorts, and while they are not the most stylish thing, they make all the difference in the world riding).

- I am not excited about having a Greek test Wednesday... I don't think I need to say anymore about that one. Maybe if I survive Greek and make a good grade I will get a tattoo in Greek to commerorate my feat...

-I went to The Channel the other night to see a great band play. Their name is SeaBird, and they were very very good. If you like piano fusion rock with a twist, then you will really like SeaBird. They also are going to have a song on the show "Pushing Dasies" next month

- Last week was a long week. I spent many a hour in the conference room listening to people play and audition for the Fusion band. It was worth it though; I think this is going to be such an amazing year. Thank you to everyone who came and auditioned.

stay tuned for part two


Anonymous said...

I am thinking that the tattoo thing is not the best way to celebrate...MOM

Unknown said...

Great blog! Somehow I found my way here while having a bit of writer's block on my German paper... Hope everything's going well at NGU!
God bless,
PS: Your picture really makes me want to go sailing...