04 May 2011

What can four years do? :A review of my time in college.

It is hard to even consider in one sitting what the last four years have been. It is a whirlwind of feelings, and so many experiences. It has been years full of ups and downs, joy and sadness, learning and un-learning (which is equally important in my opinion). I have learned who I am, who I am not, and who I want to be. College is about an education in the classroom, but it is just as much about an education in life.

I can remember my first day of college at NGU like it was last semester. We left home before 6am with our cars packed and headed to South Carolina. It was so hot that day, well over 100 degrees. Moving in felt like I was going to summer camp, not college. It was kind of a surreal moment realizing that I would be here for the next four years. The first day of class was an odd experience because the only person I really knew at school was Kami (and we did not have any classes together). This was difficult for the extravert in me, who was used to having conversations with everyone that I meet; I was not in high school anymore. Freshman year was full of firsts, mostly positive. It was a great feeling to start looking at my life as I wanted it to be. No one here knew me since I was a baby; I did not grow up with these people. It was a chance to determine what I wanted to be, and chase after that.

Sophomore and Junior year kind of bleed together. So much happened during that time, and I was in college life mode. It was no longer a new thing; it was my home. I was active in so many different organizations, bands, and churches it was hard to keep up with myself. I can remember band practices in the Student Center till 1am almost every week. After practice I would come back and do Greek homework. At one point I was playing guitar and leading worship four times a week. I look back now and wonder how I did all that stuff for so long and still managed to do my homework. I guess that schedule just became normal. Kami and I began to grow really close during this time. Our relationship and love for each other continued to grow. She was (and still is) my best friend. I could not imagine life in college, or any part of my life without her. We worked through some serious issues with personal stuff, family stuff, and faith questions. I remember staying up late talking for hours about anything you can think of. This is when I started really growing up, or at least deciding who I was for myself. Life was something I needed to decide for myself, not just continue in the path that I assumed was laid out for me. My passions for the future began to be formed, and they were nothing like I thought they would be. College was a time of growth and exploration into the future.

Which led me to my Senior year. This year has been the year of decisions. I had to freedom to dream for the last 3 years, but now it was time for some decisions to be made about my life, career, and the future. The first semester was about connecting, learning about different opportunities, and exploring with Kami what life would be like in different places. We thought for sure we would stay in Greenville. Then, I became serious for a while about moving to Seattle, Washington for graduate work at Mars Hill Graduate school. Then one day, I told her that I though God wanted us to move back to Tennessee, where we grew up, and start our lives there. I figured she would laugh, because that is usually what we did when we talked about moving back home. Instead, she responded that she was thinking the exact same thing. There was such a peace about moving back home, even though we had no idea why. We did not have jobs there, and all the connections we had made the last 3 years were in the upstate. We just trusted that God would tell us in the right time.

After Christmas break, I felt pretty certain I had a job with one of the two churches I had been talking with. I was just sure that one of them would offer me a job anytime. Neither did. I did not know what to do. Why would God put the desire in our hearts to come home and then not provide any answer to what we would be doing here? I was rather depressed. There was increasing pressure each week from people around us to know where we would be working, and the fact that I was about to leave for Thailand in a few weeks for 10 days did not help either. My mind was restless.

One night we were driving back to school and Kami asked me a simple, but profound question. She said, "what do you want to do? What would you love to do?" For the last few years I had assumed that I would always work at a church, but that was not panning out. I thought for a few minutes. My secret desire was to be a designer and photo editor for a photographer. I did not want to own my own photography business; I really wanted to work for someone doing design work. As soon as I said those words out loud, I immediately added "but, there is no way that job exists in this area." That night I told God that I was game for anything, and that if He opened a door I would go for it. That same week I saw I twitter update from Tina Wilson, a photographer in Johnson City. She said she was looking to hire someone in the near future. I had seen her work before and was impressed with her creativity and artistry. I sent her my resume, not thinking anything serious would come from it. I mainly sent it so I could do something proactive with my job search. To my great surprise, she responded back and want to meet me. I went in for an interview and fell in love with the job. Earlier that week I wrote out my dream work schedule for my dream job. I basically wrote down this job description without knowing it. The more Tina talked, the more sure this was where I was supposed to be. A week later she offered me the job of lead designer/editor. God is good.

Flash foreword a few more weeks. Kami is also going to be working with Tina Wilson Photography, and we start next week. A wonderful friend of our also offered us a garage apartment that we could rent from them while they tried to sell their house. (that story alone would take ten minutes to tell.....but God provided in an amazing way). We finished school this week, graduate tomorrow, move home, start work, and the get married on May 20.

If you asked me when I was a freshman what I would be doing when I graduated, I promise I would never have guessed this. I look back on college with thankfulness and humility for how God has shaped us. Kami and I are happier than we have ever been before, and we trust God for the impossible because He has already given us so much that we literally did nothing for. I am ready to close this chapter and open a new one where I work with my wife at our dream job in a community that we love.

What can four years do? Four years can change your entire life.

Posted via email from James Eaton

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