11 March 2011

Thailand- day 7

Today was a little more relaxing. We spend the morning and afternoon at the offices working on our projects and getting footage together. It was nice to back up all my photos and start sorting through them. I wil have plenty of work when I get back to school! 

We have been able to eat out almost every meal. I have had some of the most amazing food from street vendors and local restaurants. Food here is also crazy cheap...you can get a plate of noodles and chicken for around $1. Snacks at the 7-11 are about a 3rd of the price they are in America (and they have tons of cool stuff that don't have back home). 

Last night we went out for sushi. I love sushi, and this place had some really great stuff. Almost all the restaurants here are open air shops, which gives them a cool feel. The food was great and I ate a bunch of sushi. 

After sushi we all went and had a Thai massage. It was an hour long massage and it was amazing. It felt like they ripped my spine out and gave me a new one...in a good way. My body felt like jello after it was finished. 

We went downtown to a night Bazaar after massages. It was kind of like walking around Gatlinburg, TN. There were tons of knock-off American products from Nike, Puma, and North Face. All the other markets were went to were very Thai, but this one was very American oriented. I did get a cool wooden chess set for 1,000 baht (which is about 30 bucks.....it would have cost at least 80 in the states). 

Here are a few pics I have edited from the last few days. 

thanks for all the comments and prayers. It has been such a great experience, and I can't wait to share these stories in more detail soon. 

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

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