16 July 2008

Why do I blog??

This is a question that I have been asking myself over the last few weeks....
I like blogging because of the way I can put out information in a stylish way (I think it looks pretty good...), but I am trying to get down to the core reason why I spend all this time typing and clicking on my computer, tracking feeds, and looking at other blogs. Blogging has become quite a phenomenon that attracts a wide array of an audience.

But why do I want to do this?? Why do I spend all this time blogging when I could be doing something else? (like homework...).

I think that in the end, I just want my blog to encourage and inspire someone out there in the internet world. I have no idea who reads my post and views my blog, but I hope and pray that someone can be impacted through my sharing. I like updating my backgrounds and writing about random things and movies and such. But in the end, I just want to encourage people where they are an uplift the name of Jesus.

I hope you are encouraged, blessed, amused, or at least not bored out of your mind by what you read...

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