11 July 2008

Randomness.... The next level

I have done a few random blogs over the last month or so and have found it to be a very effective was for me to clear my head (it gets cluttered sometimes). This one may be a little long, but I hope you can find something in here that interests you. Here goes something

-I seem to have become somewhat obsessed with Biking. Over the last 3 weeks or so I have been biking every morning or evening (sometimes both). I have really come to enjoy it; I even like getting up an hour earlier just so I can ride before work at the park. I have spent soooo many hour on the web looking for a bike, and I finally found one. I found a Trek 930 at a bike shop in Piney Flats. I think it was made in 1994, but it is in great shape. I even rode 9 miles on it this morning, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I also like the fact that I am losing a little weight (I seemed to have gained a little more than an education last semester...). My clothes are fitting better, I feel better all over, and it is fun.

- Wednesday was the first night of my new series call "The Throwdown". I think it went pretty well. I was very nervous about it. I have the utmost respect for all you student ministers out there who are able to connect with and impact you students. It may be one of the most difficult jobs. I would have been so much more comfortable talking to a huge room full of adults then to share with students. I love students (I am one), but I think that students may be the most difficult group to speak to. BUT, they are also some of the best people in the world, so there is some give and take.

- Today is Kami's Birthday. I am taking her out for a really nice dinner (I even made reservations and everything). It is just going to be a really relaxed and sweet night. I also bought her a pretty nice gift, which I hope she really like. I better not say any more about tonight... she may read this today.

- It is crazy to think that I will be back at school less than a month from now. It just feels like summer started and now it is almost over. I am excited about being back in Greenville (it is such a neat place), and I am excited about seeing everyone. But I am not as excited about going to class. Last year I was excited about class. It was something new and different. But this year, not so much. I will like it once I get back into it, but the first few weeks are always difficult.

- I am going to miss interning at ISBC. I have had such a great experience this summer. I have learned so much and feel like I have so much more experience for the year to come.

- I am still working on Photoshop and all the other programs in the Creative Suite. I really love working on my computer, and I have spent hours and hours on Photoshop. I am doing much better than when I statred, but I still do not know all the tricks and features. I made a graphic for my series on Wed. nights, and I will be playing with some other ideas that I have for graphics. If anyone out there is a graphic pro and has some tips... I would love to hear them.

- I am excited about the early service on Sunday. It is going to be a little different than usual. We are doing a semi-acoustic set complete with a djembe, synth, acoustic bass and guitar, and I am playing my Telecaster. It is going to be great musical fusion.

If you made it all this way, I salute you for your commitment to reading about my life.
There are more good things to come....

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