01 August 2008

Happy Birthday to....

the internet!!

It is hard to believe the internet has been around for 18 years... (I cannot remember not having it, since I am 19..and the 1st year of my life did not include any computer time).

I can remember when I was in grade school and we got internet at the house. I was so excited to get on the Disney website; I did not even care that it took about 10 minutes to load the page. We have come quite a way since then. Now if it is more than a few seconds, we wonder what is wrong........ Little internet is growing up.

I wonder if the people that invented the internet (and I am not talking about Al Gore.....) imagined all of this when they came up with this idea....?? Did they imagine that you could share your life, create social networks, chat, video conference, buy groceries, do your Christmas shopping, find jobs, find love, or search for anything you can imagine?

I am not sure if anyone had any idea what they were getting into, but I cannot imagine my computer use without the internet.

SO, happy birthday internet.... you are growing up so fast

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