24 April 2008

It is finished!

I am finished with class!!!!( I am excited... if you could not tell)
I just have to make it through about 5 exams, and then it is time to hit the road back to good old east Tennessee. 

I am ready for summer. I am ready for the break from school, for vacation with the fam, and the new job opportunities that await. 

This has been a very good semester; it is hard to believe that I am almost done with my first year of college. It seems like only yesterday that I was moving into the dorm and starting class. At the same time...... August seems like so long ago. It is strange to think about it; I feel like so much has changed since then. I feel like I have grown and matured as a person more this year than ever. 

Thank you to all who read my blog and keep up with my life. I appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers. 

PS: There is more good stuff on the way about this summer..... so stay tuned. 

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