04 April 2008

Inspiration comes....... faster than you can say it

Inspiration is a funny thing; it comes and it goes faster than you can write it down sometimes. (This is how it comes to me most of the time.) Sometimes it sticks with you and you cannot think about anything else until you get that though, verse, or musical line out on paper or recorded onto your computer. Sometimes it comes when I am not ready for it; actually it almost always does that to me. When I have time to sit and play my guitar or the piano and focus on writing music, it rarely comes. Inspiration comes when I have waaaaaay to many things to do and think about other than writing music. Inspiration comes when I usually do not have "time" to write it down or time to play my guitar.

I think that it is God's was of showing me that I am not in control. I cannot "plan" for Him to speak through me. (ie- sitting down to write music when I feel like it). God speaks to me and through me on His own schedule. It almost always happens when writing music is the last thing on my list for the day. Tonight is a perfect example.

I was sitting in the cafeteria, working on my papers. Then a monsoon came down from the sky; I was such hard rain, it was really pouring the rain. The rain subsided for a few minutes and I ran back to my dorm room. I was in no mood to play music; I was wet and ready to just do a little more work and go to bed. But then it just hit me. I just grabbed my guitar and started to play. One phase kept coming out- "Come, Jesus come, we are Yours" Not only did I write a song, I started some more and I finished some that I had been stuck on for months. God just showed up and threw inspiration in my lap. It was amazing, there is really nothing like feeling so connected to God( there is no way that I can take credit for any of the music that came out of me tonight).

A verse that I have come to really love is Psalm 51:15. It says, " O Lord open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise." That has become my theme verse. I do not want to speak or sing or say anything until God opens my mouth and gives me words to speak. Tonight, God opened my mouth and gave me words, but he also gave me a renewed excitement and a little extra dose of strength to make it through the next few days. Nights like tonight only come once in a while; but when they come, there is no doubt that God is speaking to me.

I am so excited to see what God is going to do in my life in the next few months. I pray that everyone who reads this can at some point experience that kind of inspiration from God; whether it is in music or something else, I hope that you can have times in your life when God just grabs ahold of you and gives you something to say. " Everyone has their own sound, let it out "- from the new Leeland cd.

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