01 January 2009

New Year. New Plan

New Years resolutions...

they are a dime a dozen these days. Last night they had a whole news show all about calling in and sharing your resolutions for the new year.

I heard someone on the radio say that is could be bad for Christians to make resolutions (He said that these resolutions were the same as making rash vows, and they were especially bad if you "swore" you would not do something...).


Here are my new year suggestions that I feel I should try for better living in the new year.... also known as my new year's resolutions.

- Try to spend some amount of quality time with God each day.

          I want to focus more on quality and less on quantity. It is easy to read your bible, say a prayer, and fall into a boring routine that will get you no where spiritually. This year is all about seeking God's face. If that means I make it through the whole bible, great. If it means I get half, just as great. I just want live a life with a laser-focused goal. It is much easier to do quantity, but I think quality will bring the most change in the long run.

- Lose 20 pounds...and keep it off.

       I was doing pretty good this year. Started biking this summer, loved it. Lost some weight, went to college...gained it back this fall/winter. Yeah, caf food is not the best for the weight loss, and the chilly weather just makes me want to eat and eat. This year is all about eating healthy... and trying to keep it that way.

- Train to ride 100k.

     The big thing in road biking is to be able to ride 100 miles at a time. I want to be there one day, but I think a goal that is much more obtainable at this time is to train to ride 100k. That is a little over 60 miles (I have made it to 40, so I think this is goal I can reach). This is also part of my losing 20 pounds and keeping it off. If anyone want to train with me, let me know and we will do it.

- Read, read, read, read

     I get some much out of reading, and I need to do even more of it this year. I got some great books the other day, so I should be stocked for a while. I am excited about jumping head first into all kinds of stuff and learning all I can.

- Make all A's this semester

     This one had eluded me in college. Last spring I had all A's and one B...this is the semester to make all A's. I am really going to work on keeping my grades up this coming semester.

- Visit churches and meet with as many pastors/staff that I can.

     I want to learn from people that are in ministry. I feel like I have so much that I can learn from them, and I want to take every opportunity I can to meet with church staff and just chat about stuff. There are a few churches I am visiting soon, and I am so excited about it. I am like a kid in a candy store when I can talk to church leaders.

- Take time to enjoy.

    This last semester was work work work work work... drag. It was good stuff, but I was too busy. I am simplifying my life, and I am going to work hard to be great at a few things, rather than decent at a bunch.  I am disciplining myself to say "no", and take some time to myself. I am not sure exactly how this will look, but there will definitely be a sabbath day of rest in my week where I can take some personal time and relax.

There are other things on my list, but these are my main ones. I hope everyone is having a great new year!

I am so excited about what is in store for the year to come.

  What are you doing this year??  Comments please...

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