28 June 2008

Even more Randomness

It is that time again... my brain is full and in need of some decompression. Get ready  for some randomness.

- I am really excited about our new car. We purchased a 4-runner, and it is awesome. I am very excited that we can finally take our other boat to the lake to sail because we once again have a hitch. We can also go bike riding, which I am really enjoying. It is also really fun to drive. I am used to driving a little Mercedes, so the 4-Runner is a little taller and has a little more engine power.

- I got the Adobe Creative Suite a couple weeks ago. I have not had a whole lot of time to sit down and use it... but it is amazing so far. The package came with a 10 hour instructional DVD.... I was already intimidated by seeing the length of the DVD, not to mention that I have to learn all of the things on there...... 

- I am looking to buy a bike to ride on trails/ road/ wherever. I just want to get a bike that is a good mix so I can use it anywhere. If anyone is bike-savvy out there... I would love some suggestions. I am not looking to spend a fortune, but I want something that will last. Help would be great :)

- I have been ready a lot lately. I forgot how much I really do enjoy reading (at least when it is things that I want to read....). I am trying to read all kinds of books. I just want to see how other people think and learn from them.. even if I do not agree with everything that they say. I would rather read writings from someone with passion that is a little off in a few places who is honest than to read  bland writing that is just a regurgitation of something that has not depth. 

- I might be in love with Thai food... I think I could eat it daily (or at least 4 times a week). Kami and I have found quite a few good Thai places over the last few months.... and they have all been good. I am becoming a sucker for the Thai. 

- I am starting to really like dogs. I have always like dogs.. just from a distance. But lately, I have found myself enjoying playing dogs (although I still do not like the slobber... that still grosses me out)

- Twitter.......... yeah, I might be hooked.

- I am very excited that I get  to teach at Re:Generation 3 weeks during July. (Re:Generation is our meeting on Wed. nights for the student ministry). I am doing a series called The Throwdown        It is going to be awesome.. you should come check it out. 

wow.. that was indeed random. Thank you for checking in.... and making it this far in the blog post. Your diligence is appreciated.   

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