25 June 2008

Do you Twitter??

Twittering- I am not sure if that is a word.. but that is what we will call this new phenomenon.
I am not sure when or how this thing got started, but I think it is neat.

There is just something that is attractive to me about being able to make a little mini- post onto my blog from my cell pone via text message to the Twitter number. I am a sucker for everything new and interesting (I am always making new blogs on different websites just to try them out..... I still like blogger the best). So when I heard about  Twitter, I had to give it a test. 

I think it is fun.... it is kind of like updating your facebook status during the day. You can check out my Twittering on the sidebar of my blog for some random/ funny/ or interesting thoughts on my day when I am not able to write a full-fledged  blog. I hope someone out there finds it somewhat amusing....... if you fit that category, you can follow me on Twitter at this this link

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