03 August 2009

Artist's Mandate

This is the premise of the book I am reading called 200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One by Shawn Wood. This is in the first few pages and it is the main idea throughout the book. I could not even read any farther until I examined myself in this list of Mandates of an Artist.

1. Get GREAT at something
2. Do something with that talent
3. Invest yourself in things that will last and others will benefit from
4. Work for an audience of one, because sometimes our best work is only seen by God
5. Finish what you start.

Shawn is not just talking about people who paint or make music; he is talking about everyone. Moms who raise children, auto mechanics, pastors of churches, and everyone in-between.

As I read these points, and thought about my own life, there seemed to be some inconstancies.

For example
- I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades. I like to be good at basically everything, but where a I great? What is it about my life where God's greatness shines through me? What steps do I need to take to be great?
     - Being great requires much more work than being average. Anyone can be average with a little work. I have become an average pool player in the last two day...but I am not great. Greatness takes drive. Greatness does not come easy.

- I also tend to start tons of projects (pictures, songs, cleaning..., drawings, books) but rarely finish one before I start something else. I am the king of half-baked projects that never see the light of day. I am good starter, but not always a good finisher.

- What am(are) I(you) doing with the talents God has granted me(you) with??

We are all artists. What are you creating?

"It is better to create than to live! Creating is the essence of life." -Julius Caesar


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