09 March 2009

Left-Brained Worship. Part 5

Here is the last section in my article.

Bring it back

How can we get back to the right-brain side of worship? It is easy to say we don’t want it to be routine; the hard part is doing (and living) it.

I think getting our heart right is bridge back to the right side. After Jesus gives the Pharisees a nice lesson in worship, he tells the crowd
“What comes out of a man makes him unclean.” (Mark 7:20)
Jesus says that what comes out of our mouth if from our heart. Maybe it is time to do some cleaning on the inside.

What do you need to get rid of in our heart for Christ to reign supreme?
I am in the same boat; it is something that happens daily.

We have divine inspiration. Our praise to the creator should be wonderful and beautiful, because we worship with a pure heart. That is why David prays for God to wash him white as snow. The Pharisees knew you should be clean. They just became more focused on the cleaning they could take care of, the outside.
Only Christ can clean up the heart.

Cleaning up the inside means giving up the right to be in charge. It means giving over schedules, plans, future, safety, and logic. Giving our lives to God is always right. He is much better at taking care of me than I am.

Clean insides are more important than clean outsides.

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