09 March 2011

Thailand- day 5

It was interesting waking up in the village. I have never heard so many roosters before in my life. You could not sleep in with all the roosters outside. Our sweet housekeeper made us sticky rice for breakfast. Sticky rice is becoming a daily tradition.... I am going to miss it in the states. 

Today we went back to Dream's house. I was able to share with Dreams brother and his friend Jon. We talked for at least 40 minutes. It was great to share my story with them and hear about their life. I was able to share about my faith and what God has done in my life. It was a great time, and really stretched me trying to explain my faith to people who did not know anything about Jesus. I was able to share my faith, and answer some questions they had. Jon asked a handful of questions and was very interested in what I was saying. I tried to explain to him that God is a God of light and truth, and that He wants to be found. I was able to share that faith and doubt can exist together, and that I can trust God even when I don't know all the answers. That idea was very exciting to Jon; he shared about the the darkness he felt in the village and around the temple. I encouraged him to keep asking questions and to ask God to reveal Himself. We prayed together and he seemed very hopeful. Keep praying for Jon; I hope he gives his life to Christ soon. 


We also went to another village tonight where some of the Thai Christians lead a bible study. These students are on fire for Christ and love the gospel more than any group I have ever met. We could learn so much from them about faith, community, and unity. They do not fight or argue over silly things, and they have a genuine love for each other. It is inspiring to see students reaching their world for Christ. I cannot even understand how difficut it must be to be a Christian in an area that is 99% Buddhist. That takes some serious faith. 


Keep praying for out team as try to capture the story of Northern Thailand. I can't wait to share more details about the trip when I have more free time to write and edit photos. 


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