24 March 2011

Thailand- day 10

Today was our last real day in Thailand. We awoke to a great breakfast and bible study at the guest house. After bible study, we left to go to a church service called The Gathering. It is a worship service that many international missionaries and families attend that was held in a huge mall in Chiang Mai. It was cool to meet people people from all over the world serving in Southeast Asia. I even talked to someone who went to a small bible college about 20 minutes from North Greenville. Small world.


Before the service, some of us got stuck in elevator at the mall! I was in the first group to get on the elevator. We were headed to the 5th floor, but the elevator decided to get stuck on the way up. It was a tiny elevator and there were 8 or 9 people in there. Luckily one of the missionaries was there with us and had a phone that worked. She called her husband and told him we were stuck. I think we were in there about 20 minutes, but it felt like an hour. After a few minutes it started getting really hot, and I was getting a little nervous. Nothing like being stuck on an elevator to start your last day in Thailand.....

Someone finally came and opened the door at the next level and we were able to step up and out of the elevator. We took the stairs the rest of the way. No need for a repeat of that experience. 

After the service, we spent time in the mall eating and shopping. I was able to finishing buying gifts for my family and friends. Handmade goods are so cheap in Thailand. I was able to get Thai silk bags and other items for just a few dollars. I have never been anywhere that sold such good quality stuff for so cheap. I used as much Baht (thai currency) as I could since my money went so much farther here than it does back home. 


We went back to the guest house in the afternoon to pack up and get everything ready to head to America. I did not feel so good in the afternoon or evening. I was a little feverish and my stomach was killing me. If you see any picture of me in the Chiang Mai airport on FaceBook, I look like a red-faced zombie. I felt gross. I was able to take some sleeping pills on the plane, and I slept the whole flight to Seoul. I also slept most of the way back to Atlanta. 


It was sad to leave Thailand, but I was also ready to get home. I missed Kami so much! Everything in my life is about to change, so I was ready to get home and get things ready for graduation, my job, and marriage. I will always remember Thailand, and I hope one day soon I will be able to share my experience in more detail.


- If you see me around, feel free to ask any questions you want. I love sharing about my experience and would love to talk about it. 

Posted via email from jameseaton's posterous

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