25 December 2009

Christmas Ramblings

It is hard to believe that it is Christmad again. You would think after all the years it would be less suprising. . .but it always seems to sneak up on you.

As I was driving home from the Crab Leg feast at Kami's grandparents, I was thinking about all the people in the world who are hurting this Christmas. I live at a Christian school, or in a nice house when I visit home. I don't go hungry, I have the things I want, and really am not in need at all. I am very blessed, but it is so easy to take the blessing and turn it to selfishness.

American culture is great at that. Every year, people spend more than they can afford, buy new cars, and deck the halls for consumer christmas all to fill some void inside, or tradition, or. . .well I am really not sure why we spend like we do.

Driving home tonight, I thought of the people who will be sleaping outside tonight. I wonder if they know the Savior of the world was outside in a manger tonight?

I thought of the people who have lost loved ones this year, or around the holiday season. I can't imagine what they are going through, and I am not sure my actions would say that I even cared at all.

We throw out our phrases like "He is the reason for the season" or "you can't have Christmas without Christ", but I wonder tonight if Christ is impressed with our sweet little sayings when there is nothing backing it up. . .

What would Jesus Christ want to have in Christmas?

I think it may look very different then what we have become. I don't think we should stop buying presents and exchanging gifts, but it does bother me that most christians spend and celebrate like anyone else, and then get mad at a store that doesn't say "merry christmas" when they are not even living it out. . .

Maybe it is just me, but I think a radical paradigm shift needs to take place here. Jesus is not just "the reason for the season", He is the reason for everything! Jesus said that true religion was taking care of widows and orphans. . .not spending a ton of money in the name of Christmas. If anything, it would be more like giving money to those in need (not those filled with greed..).

I think it is time we re-examine our Christmas priorities. Just my two cents. . . I don't have an answer, just a normal person searching for the face of Christ in the middle of Walmart, fast food America.

Thoughts?? Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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